Rafal Dittwald

Rafal Dittwald

[Keynote] DDP: Clojure’s Very Own Paradigm

In this follow-up to last year's "Solving Problems the Clojure Way", Rafal will dive deeper into Clojure's paradigm of Data Driven Programming. What is it, really? Is it any good? Why did it take root in the Clojure community? Can it be applied outside of Clojure? Featuring some code refactoring examples and a reflection on declarative programming that might finally answer the question: "is writing HTML really programming?"

About Rafal

Rafal is a web developer, programming teacher and entrepreneur from Toronto. He used to work with PHP, Ruby and Javascript, but he's spent the last 7 (blissful) years working almost exclusively in Clojure and ClojureScript. He teaches web development at Lighthouse Labs, and as part of Cognitory, he works on various "learn-to-program" resources, including a book that teaches non-programmers functional and data-driven programming with Clojure. At Bloom, Rafal works on multiple ventures, including Braid, an open-source group chat application (written in Clojure).